Friday, September 12, 2008

This was me when I was little... (I'm on the left)


Not for the easily offended religious people... (how did you become my friend, again?)

And another link with the same social disclaimer...

Someone can explain, finally, why I speak the way I do... (ok so they can't explain the purring, but hey, at least we're getting somewhere...)

Video about a cool charity... I'm not donating because I'm dirt poor, but hey, at least it's well filmed... it's not a "I'm going to juxtapose half dead children with an overweight christian white male to make you feel bad..." I mean, it just makes me turn the channel faster... ok anyway, /end rant...

My birthday is November 27th.... I wear a medium... I'm just saying... =)

Don't watch when migraines could ensue... just a stop-motion music thing... I liked it...

My current background.

I need to remember to use this.


Tell me you read this short story... PLEASE. I got a paper about it submitted for publishing...

Love these... my favorite is the third one in... take your time... this is not a fast-scrolley-wheel-speed page...

Om nom nom nom nom....

Ask me about a short story that mildly has something to do with this drawing.

This is pretty nice when separated from your personal music library, or when you need to "taste" an artist before downloading their entire discography... yeah... that explains a lot of the music on my computer... i'm using This to find some new music... its running dry though... I got about a half-dozen goodies out though, so teh win.

before I close the window, I'm listening to this, then this, and I can't wait til the author finishes writing this... though i'm hoping he doesn't go soft on the style as it progresses.

Kinda for Tabby methinks...

Moving-ish picture-journal.. only for somber moods.

This is not a rick-roll. It is not spam. Yes it messes with your window size... but tastefully.

Caution... may cause tears... pretty moving for just an animation... maybe not for you but meh...

Might've posted this... it's still cool... and so is this comic.

ok I should be done now... Oh and go do BOINC... wiki it or something... I'm tired now...

Monday, September 1, 2008

Summer gone... need puppy

Puppy acquired.

Latin books and general stuff for Katie. [Greek too] free and online =o


I'm holding on to this recipe until the garden is done exploding

just need to have this tidbit of info... dunno why.


to do list

Omg minature baby fuzzball donkey *hyperventilates* Must... Have... *high pitch female noises*...!!!

Art... useful for interesting backgrounds...

Aaaaand then I've been sucked in by this site.

[11:31pm, i have more to add!]

I am making THIS... sometime

Just in case you never had siblings...

Tabby this is what i tried to send you



the childbearing age flowchart.. (it's not a flowchart, but it should be..)

For Alie

There should be more money in that hat!

Good time to call it a night...

Good Quote I stumbled:
I waited for him to hit me, instead he replied, "She'll probably cheat on you too."